Our Statement Of Faith
While this is not an exhaustive treatment of all that we believe and teach at CCF, we do feel it is important to outline a foundational summary of our core doctrines and values. Our basic doctrines are in keeping with the historic creeds of the Christian faith, with a vital distinctive which is carefully outlined here.
We believe in One True God.
We believe that God is one. However, we believe that God is revealed in Scripture as three persons, united in their essence but distinct in their personhood. Christian theologians have given this doctrine a name: The Trinity. Here at Cornerstone, we affirm the doctrine of The Trinity and defend it as the Biblical and orthodox view of the nature of God.
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth.
While there may be variations of this view which are held by sincere Bible believing Christians, all true Christians are agreed that God is the creator of all things both seen and unseen. He is the uncaused cause and the prime mover behind our universe and everything in it. Therefore, we reject all worldviews which propose that random and blind unguided forces are responsible for nature and all of its wonders. Furthermore, we believe that life is sacred because it was created by God. Human life in particular holds special value because man is uniquely made in God’s image, with all which that implies.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son.
While we affirm that Jesus is God’s only begotten Son, we believe it is important to note He was begotten but NOT created. Just like the Father and the Holy Spirit, Jesus is a co-equal member of The Trinity who is without beginning or end. We believe that Jesus, in His humanity, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate. He was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. From there he will return at the end of this present age to judge the living and the dead and to establish the rule of God on the earth.
We believe in the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in every aspect of our faith. First of all, it is The Holy Spirit which draws us to God to begin with. The Holy Spirit initiates conviction and reveals to sinful men their helpless and lost condition. Without His convicting work, none of us would ever come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Second, we believe that the Holy Spirit regenerates the human spirit when we are born again and baptizes us into the Body of Christ. Finally, we believe that the Holy Spirit empowers the believer and imparts supernatural spiritual gifts so that we might build up the church and effectively witness to the unbelieving world. We believe in the initial fullness of the Spirit (also called The Baptism in The Holy Spirit) as well as the continuing imperative to “keep on being filled with the Holy Spirit”. This fullness of the Spirit is not optional for the believer, but is a vital part of living out the Christian lifestyle and keeping in step with the Spirit. Although we are fully Pentecostal, we are theologically conservative and reject the extremes and doctrinal errors which characterize much of the larger charismatic movement.
We believe in the church universal and holy.
While we affirm the importance of commitment to a local church where we can live out Christian community in a practical way, we recognize that there is only one true church composed of all genuine believers worldwide. The body of Christ is mystically united by the Holy Spirit who lives in all of the people of God. We seek practical ways of expressing that unity visibly, while at the same time avoiding any compromise of our Biblical convictions. We recognize that there is room within orthodoxy for disagreements on interpretation, and we are willing to work with all believers who affirm a high view of Scripture and are committed to the Lordship of Jesus. Furthermore, we believe that the visible church on earth remains in spiritual union with the invisible church in heaven. While we do not pray to Christians who have gone before us in death or seek their intervention on earth, we do believe that they form a “great cloud of witnesses” who are watching as we finish our race.
We believe in the forgiveness of sins.
We are saved by grace. Without God’s gracious forgiveness, no one can be saved. Without His mercy, all men would be hopeless reprobates and doomed to eternal separation from a Holy God. But because of Christ’s work of redemption on the cross, we are freely justified by His grace. This should not be taken to mean we are free to live as we please. On the contrary, to whom much is given of them much is required. God’s lavish mercy demands that we submit our lives to Him and walk in holiness striving to live in a way that pleases Him and brings honor to His name. Faith which does not produce good FRUIT is not genuine faith.
We believe in the resurrection and eternal life.
We believe that at the end of this present age, Jesus will return in power and great glory to crush evil and rebellion and to establish His reign on the earth. At His coming, the dead in Christ will be resurrected, those Christians who are still alive will be instantly given immortal bodies, and we shall reign together with Christ for eternity. Jesus is coming again! Eschatology is not some peripheral theological issue, but is at the very heart of the Gospel. Remember, the Gospel is the good news of the coming Kingdom. Not just any kingdom, but the eternal Kingdom of God Himself! Even so come Lord Jesus!